Kampar Sentral, Kampar, Perak LED Screen Advertising #MY116
Screen Location : Kampar Sentral, Kampar, Perak
Screening Hour : 18 hours from 6.30am to 12.30am Daily Exposures : Minimum 180 Monthly Exposures : Minimum 5,400 Content Cycle : Estimation 10 min / loop Size : 15.74'(H) x 25.20'(W) Pixel : 480 x 768 File Format : WMV or AVI GPS Coordinate : 4°19'26.7"N 101°09'11.7"E |
GPS Coordinate : 4°19'26.7"N 101°09'11.7"E
The LED screen is located at the busy junction which is near to the Kampar Sentral, Perak. The junction is the main entry for motorcyclist and drivers who entering to the New Town Kampar. Thus, the bright and big LED screen able to attract the attention of drivers and motorcyclist.
LED Screen Advertising Agency, Digital Billboard Advertising Agency, LED Billboard Advertising Agency, Outdoor Digital Advertising Agency,
9.00 am - 6.00 pm Monday - Friday
9.00 am - 12.30 pm Saturday Public Holiday Close |
No. 56, 58, Jalan Ampang, Kampung Masjid,
31900 Kampar, Negeri Perak, Malaysia. www.kengdesign.com |